Sep 17, 2006

over night again :P

yesterday after i went to take my paid went to orchard..then after that i met my best frenz at tampines to go home together because he is working there..i brought him sushi.. :p before we eat the sushi..i went with him to the arcade to play para para..the house of dead2 and datona.. :p then after that i asked him wan to drink bubble tea [sweet talk] ?? he said ok..then we went to buy..i drank the mango milk tea..and he drank ice blended green tea..the ice blended green tea is really not bad.. maybe next time i will drink it.. :P then after buying we went to a place we sat down and have our sushi..after that we went to the 'pasar malam' to shop..a while later we took 168 home..i went to his house to over usual..yup3..his house is = to my 3rd house..hahas..then at night..i online a while then i went to bed liao..the next morning..i walked with him to causeway point cos i need to go home furthermore..he has debation in school..and he meeting his debation partner at causeway point..on the way to causeway point..i step onto a puddle of water..and know what happen?? i fell down..its not those normal fall..i almost open my two legs apart..hahas..luckily he hold on to me.. :p anyway thanks buddy.. even thoughi had some scratches..


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