Sep 7, 2006

History and chemistry today..tomorrow physics..

today woke up at around 7am..then prepare myself for boring..holidday still got is history class and chemistry the morning..reached school at abt 8.25..then waited for the teacher to come to the also donno why i seem so tire..almost fall asleep in her class which was the history class..but when she teaches another chapter i became more awake it was the war in pacific..i did learned that chapter so i felt more understand on what she teaching..of course we joke in the class too..hahas..the teacher so good gives us something like celery to eat..quite nice..not bad..then after her history class we had a half an hour break..after that we proceed to AVA room for our lesson it was a combined lesson which sec 4 and 5..we gotten out practical paper back..i got 7/15.. failed by half mark..but its still good cause i donno how to do practical one..hahas..but i already try my william hung's script..bleah :P..then the class ended about supposely should end at 12pm..but finish early so we leave early lolx..but everything still alright..tomorrow has physics lesson..our holiday timetable never write the teachers call us back some of my classmate is quite lazy..hahas..but i think i coming even though i'm quite reluntant about it.. it start class at 10.00am and end at 11.30am but my friends from next class starts at 8.30am and end at 09.30 am..its one hour but ours is one and a half hours probably we are weaker ba.. hahas..i think so.. :s


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