Sep 11, 2006

I was not at home for three days.. :P

yup3..not been home for this three days..firstly i went to serene house for her birthday on 8 sep usual i over night at her place..every years also like this.. [hehe].. then the next day i went to work..before serene's birthday which was 7sep.. i went to wilson's grand pa house to overnight cause we was rushing for serene's bday present.. yup3..hahas..of course we chatted also..then after work..i went back home awhile to packed my stuff then i went to my father house to sleep..cause quite some time never return to my father house so i decided to go back and sleep lolx.. so many mosquito there cause my room was facing the all mosquito fly into the room to [suck] my blood :P..hahas..the night was alright its was a miracle that the next day when i woke up all the mosquito bites was gone..donno what happen..but quite freaking me out..hahas..yup3..its was quite fun not staying at home..hahas..but now i'm finally back.. I'M BACK.. bleah :p


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