Aug 31, 2006

S o tire today.. my alarm clock rang but i'm still in bed hahas..i'm damn tire..just don't want to climb out of bed..i slept till 6.20am then i woke was too late for me to have my breakfast..hahas..i bathed tone my face and everything..there i go to school for my chinese paper 1 and 2..the paper was okay not too bad..use many idioms inside my composition hahas..yup2..then after paper 1 i went down to the canteen to have my 1/2 breakfast 1/2 i went to have my toilet break then to the hall again for my preliminary paper 2 [mother tongue]..yup i was so tire that i felt asleep while reading..hahas..but i woke up again cause i'm afraid i have no time to do dare not sleep..cause i tried before if i sleep will surely no time to do clever this time..hahas..after the paper went home on and then going to the library..bye bye..see ya.. x_X..


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