Aug 30, 2006


today went to the library..of course to study..i study history there..on the title russia [except stalin]..three friends were there..two came in the morning..i reached there at about 1pm..and i started to study history..then the other friend came about we studied together..and of course laugh all the way..hahas..yup..then we studied till about 5.30pm my friends said they wan to go so i just go boring don't wish to studied alone..i walked to causeway point reach interchange took the bus 903 boring..reached home hate my fussy mum shout at me..thats the reason why i like to studied in the library..yup2..then return home bathed..continued to study my history cause got so many chapter needs to rush out..then my friend call my was a malay guy then she put down say he called wrongly..i was so frustrated..she shouted at me say i keep friending malays people and she remind what had happened last time..i hate her man..i remembered it why must she remind me..nvm don wish to talk about it..home sucks for me..i really wanted to move out and live alone..


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