Apr 5, 2006

today sports day...

0625**I reached school today...sitting there like a nerd..staring at no one at the parade square..enjoying the breeΩe..
0630**After enjoying the breeze...i took out my books to revised..
0645**Students starting to stroll in..one by one..my classmate one by one arrived...
0650**More and More ppl strolling in...and almost all my friends are here...we [started] talking...maybe sp call [coversation]..
0700**Preparing oursel*f for the 0715 Be**LL..
0715**Singing of naTIONAL atheme..And something happen to the songs..it was [restart] and we*d to sing again..
0730**We start proceeding to our respective class..and the 1st le**sson is PHYSIC... *SNORE* So tire...
0745**Mr Teacher came in to teach us on electro magnetism..and magnetic flux...
0800**Still teaching...
0810**I am half alsleep...wake up and fell alsleep and wake up again...still teaching...
0920**Finally the teaching is over.. i am awake too...
0930**We Went to AaHa Centre to have our English oral to practice...
0945**We pair up and start coaching each others...
0950**Still coaching...
1000**Reading; Reading and still reading from day 1 to day 5...
1020**THe be**LL rang..We start packing..Mrs teacher debrief us...
1025**Officially out of school...cause need to prepare to go to the stadium...at 1315...


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