May 1, 2006

haven recover from my [FLU]

ypu..haven recover lolx..then my mid year is coming.. busy preparing for my mid year lolx.. then i'm so care english paper 2..i'm not good in english totally a english freak.. then humanity and science too.. so many subject to [overcome] them..but it seems to be really difficult lolx.but i think [time] will let me overcome them.. sometimes i' thinking am i really able to do it to pass and go the polytechnic.. i'm just afraid.. i'm so lazy also keep watching telvision.. nv study also.. then when exam i scare... i think i need to buck up le.. cannot keep watching television..must study study study.. if not i cannot catch up with my works i must **jia you [work hard] for my mid year and 'o' levels... strive hard for what ever it is.. then lastly i would like to wish my class 5N2 good luck for you mid year guys you all can do it... show the power..


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