Jul 27, 2005

Just wanted to clarify myself..

Today..erm..also not say in a bad mood..nothing is wrong wif me..but someone just say 'i know you are angry wif someting' so wanted to clarify i'm really not angry with anyone..and its no use to angry with someone who is useless to me.. mostly i forgotten to say attitude sux..really ATTITUDE.. i hate this word and the action that was given to suit this word be cos it really sux..haha.. i don like ppl with attitude even though sometime i do have.. but i know how to control it..if nobody had irritate me or hostile me i will not let my attitude out..but nowaday i seldom have any attitude anymore because maybe i had change..but maybe because of my change got ppl act infront of me..(don wish to say who)..can't be bother also because maybe its their talent ba..haha..maybe can intro them to 'raintree production' for audition..haha.. good maybe one day can intro them..Trust haha.. now i don believe be cos someone mayb this few weeks got ppl destroy it..and i think that trust this word don suit the person..be cos its so easy the person themselves don suit it..haha...k well.. maybe you can ask my regular blogger abt my attitude..glommy? nope..maybe its him..hehez..smile always nothing can beat me accept my MOTHER..haha.. ok..


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