Dec 9, 2010

Do you know what you want to do?

Have you ever think of what you going to do after you graduate? Have you ever think that you have enter the wrong course and wanted to quit? What's there in life for you now? This questions been running through my mind for this few days.

Ashesh bhai wanted me to write something more than my personal life, perhaps i should start now? But no matter what i write, it somehow related to my life.

I have been thinking of what i want my career to be since i have graduated from ITE (Institute Technical Education), a place where people are not a theory person, a more hands on school. It's not a school where people have good image about, probably because of Jack Neo's Movie which incur such a bad image where ITE = It's the end. I always tell my friends, ITE = It's the Extraordinary. And yes, i'm the Extraordinary.

I always have interest in Business, which is why i had major on Business Administration. At the state of mind when i chose this course, because i wanted to open up my own business so i should take up a business course, and i ended up studying Business Administration for 2 years.

I was given an opportunity to attach to a company for 3 weeks. A accounting firm. The paid was low, but i was expecting experience more than pay, that was during my first year of study. I had a very high grading from the company which i was attached to.

Second year, mid semester. I receive a call from my Mdm.

Mdm: Hey Suraj, I need your help.
Me: Yes?
Mdm: I know you got a very high grading for attachment, actually this semester there's a attachment to Raffles Hospital but the students that was attached to the company left irresponsibly so we are in need to replace someone there, could you help me?
Me: Why not? (I seized the opportunity again)

Attachment is the most important thing as a student to gain experience, i think everyones know that. Oh, did i say everyone? Nope, i don't think everyone know that, for Singapore student at least. They just want high pay attachment job, and who do they think they are? High pay attachment job? you got to be kidding me. India student don't even want any pay, they want it to be in stipends form. There's their only request. Even i felt that Singapore student are asking too much, and don't come and say foreigners are snatching your jobs, because i feel that you don't deserve them.

So i was attached to Raffles Hospital Human Resource Department for 3 weeks.

And with that, i graduated from ITE.

I didn't expect to study an IT course, i just wanna work under the tourism section, studying Tourism and Hospitality. Thinking that it's too popular i went to chose an IT course thinking my passion of making my own
website, so i enter the course unknowingly.

But now when i look back, hmm, i feel that i lost interest in the course. Partially because i know i won't be doing anything that is related to the course after i graduate.

So here's my plan:

I will be graduating in A pr 2012. After which i need to be enlisted into the Army for 2 years. It's compulsory for all Singaporean Guy to serve the country for 2 years. After i finish my enlistment, i will be going to University of Delhi to take my degree in English or Journalism. So i will be probably studying for 4 years over at New Delhi. Upon graduating, i will sent out my resume to magazine firm in New Delhi, Mumbai and others and probably work for another 12 years in India. Getting settle my career in India, i will probably get a house and stay.

And and..

I probably get marry in India. Whose that girl? hmmm. Guess?

PS. The only thing i never regret entering the course is that i'm went to India*


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