Nov 29, 2010

Indian in a Chinese body

Before i pen anything down, i always like to draft the words in my mind. I will have my mind whirl into words and sentences on how i should start my article. Weird enough, i will stuck there like forever. I tried listening to songs i love, to build up the emotions in me, but to no avail.

Peace, i thought i needed that.

Experience, i think i need to gone through that.

Fun, someone taught me to have.

Feeling, every time i need it in order for me to write.

I wake up everyday telling myself, Suraj Singh, you are here for a purpose, you can't see it now, but you will. 80 days left i told myself when i was washing up today.

Two things happen recently that makes me exuberant, because it makes me a part of the Incredible.

First thing: I was ask to decorate the China Immersion Programme Notice board, so i went to develope photos on the China Immersion programme, however there's is some copies i can print so i printed around 22 photos on the India Immersion programme.

Photo-shop lady: Why all your friends are indian? You stay there is it?
Me: I went to study there.
Photo-shop lady: Wow! How much it cost? why study in India.
Me: Silence..
Photo-shop lady: So you want to marry a indian lady?
Me: Silence..
Photo-shop lady: Why not answering? Silence means yes.
Me: Yup, I wanna get marry there and settle down :)

Second thing: I went to buy a gift for my chhota bhai.

Me: Does this have warranty in India?
Lady: I don't know, i can check for you.
Me: Oh okay.
Lady: So you come from India? How long you been in Singapore?
Me: 3 years
Lady: Wow, ok. Why suddenly came to Singapore?
Me: To study? Then going back to take my degree.
Lady: I see. So when you going back? Not going back for Christmas?
Me: Nope, going back on Feb 17.

I have actually booked the Air tickets, but some stuff is yet to settle, i'm just wondering what things will outcome to be? And seriously speaking, I want to stay for 2 months in Rourkela.


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Unknown said...

Hey, sure, why not? Just drop me a mail at

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