Nov 18, 2009

Red Camp 2

Second day of red camp as the station master, i just realised i'm so good in talking. What i'm trying to say is that i do sell my course really well. I keep telling my friends in the Egarage, i'm selling pot now. Because the way i presented it was like some promoter trying to sell the pots.

Had OOP Ca today, it was errr difficult for me i presume even though it's open book but i have no idea i think i have to try out the Codes without copying and paste from my previous assignment cause i don really remember what i did though.

Had breeks' spag for today's lunch and dinner, actually it's provided from Red camp helpers, i won't be helping tomorrow due to class so ya, but i'm going down to help out on sat for Parents seminar. So far, people are still impress in the way i talk, but i'm scare actually. 'Mu la yo' Why. Mu la yo means i don't know in korean. hahaha. Pardon me, i'm trying to improve on my korean language. Been having difficulties learning.

Today went to lecture and i just sleep in the lecture hall because i just find that it's useless, cause i don't understand what the teacher is teaching. My friend went out the lecture hall to play Dota and Poker cards, LOL!?!.

After lecture i went and play DOTA with them cause it's raining. Mu la yo why it's like raining and raining in the month of November it's suppose to only rain in March and November should be windy and stuff. Weird.

In the process of Dotaing, someone call me, it's the PA(People's Association) they call to inform that i'm invited to be offical chingay blogger for 2010 and ask me whether i'm interested anot? Of course i'm interested because it's a honour thing to get invited on such a grand stuff. I'm so excitd about it, i think i will probably help out as a man power team but not get involve with the performance.

Now listening to 96.3fm a korean channel it's my homework i have to listen to the radio and listen to what the DJ talks in korean and write down for the teacher. 96.3fm is a singapore channel but it's korean language on 0800pm-2200pm.


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