May 2, 2009


Yes, it's a long time since i update my blog.

I had this 'don't feel like blogging' mode. i know alot of people or my friends got this mode way back then, but i only get it recently.


i think because i got so much things to do and i kind of can't breathe due to the fact that after i reached home i went to sleep directly. Or after i checked my mail, i went to sleep. That's how tired i am.

i got so many things to update.

Been to school for 1 week le, and i can say that i'm coping well there. However i met with some problem recently, class were not cooperative enough, when we guys practice for variety show, they started to talk and this went on for a few days.

Last week, i arranged for them to have a practice. We change three destination due to the fact that we doesn't have a place to practice our variety show.

In the end we went to one of the corridor to practice, and they went to toilet and stuff, so i say ok, go and have your toilet break be back 5 mins later.

Ltr on they came back and they started to talk, so i said: ok, talk talk,i give you all 2 mins, when i back after 2 mins be serious.

2 mins ltr~

I instruct them to stand at their position, and some accompromise, the others cont to talk, and they started to shout here and there, regarding maturity and stuff, then it cont to Clubbing, underage go into clubs and stuff.

Majorites just ignore my prescene, i got fed up, i told them, you guys can go home le, i took my bag and i walked away.

Some chase after me, but i call them to don go after me, cos i was really pissed off le.

i went to blk 31 and i started to on my lab top and stuff.

In the end they came down reluntanly to practice, because some of the classmate scolded the others and not really good stuff.

Some give black face, some listen, some learn their lesson. Then i cont to talk.

Wen Jie called the seniors and stuff, then in the end a senior came down and talk to us and stuff. Sin yee, our student buddy got to know our problem through her friends' friend and she was disappointed about it because she didn't get to know abt the problem through us.

but in the end it's settle le, i donno whether they will cooperate with me anot? i donno whether the variety show will go on smoothly anot? but i hope it went well on this coming friday.

If you happen to see my nick, you will want to know what has happen.

Sch is alright.. just that business statistics is driving me crazy, it's maths, and i haven't touch maths for like 2 years already. Luckily some of my classmate are willing to help me out.

thanks guys,

let's cooperate and do the variety show tgt, and be the first very bonding class ever alright?


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