Jan 19, 2007

A long-lost gathering..

This was taken at pasta mania..i went out with a few of my pri school frenz on christmas..it was kind of fun meeting 5 yrs never seen frenz..yup3..we met at vivo city at celebrate christmas.. went to watch movie in golden village,,what movie?? the jay chou one.. the curse of the golden flower..its totally not nice.. in the end all the ppl die..so ridiculous man.. i don quite like the show at the begginning one..but they insisted to watch so..wat to do follow them lor.. ya..then went to lan shop to play lan game later part of the day..not bad..hahas..they teach me how to play war craft.. :P ya..

it's been a long time since i came online..because busy..if not cannot find a computer to use..my blogs is like wasted..hais..but now i'm back liao.. ya now waiting for results.. heard they say its on feb6 i not so sure..i'm scare..totally scare..hais..donno i can pass this final obstacle anot.. do you think i can make it through?? really hope so..


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