Jun 30, 2006


Originally uploaded by wld2046.

William (Wei Lian) 威廉 - 28 years old
portrayed by Leon Jay Williams Li Wei Lian 立威廉

William has the lineage of 4 beautiful countries - German, English, Chinese and American in his blood. He grows up under a noble, rich and powerful family. In addition, his ancestors were very good at investing and have left behind a very big fortune. Since he was young, he has received the appropriate care and was educated in aristocrat schools and by private tutors. His conduct is elegant, manner is graceful, speaks finely, there is no doubt about his noble upbringing. He inherited his family's artistic and literary talents and has extraordinary achievements in both music and art. Because he is aware of his responsibilities towards his family and society, as a result, he does things with rational and caution. He expresses his feelings with control, taking everything into consideration. Yet, underneath, he is very stubborn towards love and has the spirit of both a knight and a gentleman. He completely trusts, empathizes and cares for his girlfriend. His mother is from Green Light Forest. His return to the country this time, besides from taking over the position of CEO at the Spencer Music Institute, taking care of the school affairs with Spencer Educational Institute, he is also bringing his mother, the Countess, back to reside at her native country in Green Light Forest. Aside from that, he also hopes to find the girl that he met in his childhood years.


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