Nov 1, 2009

After Shanghai first gathering

Went for out First Shanghai Gathering on 30 Oct 2009. Eliza was generous enough to lend out her Sembawang CC and even offer to drive us over there when we reach sembawang.

This dinner was a real long one and i think no body had try that like i do. I will tell you all why later. We was having steamboat at the CC, and you know what is the soup base? It's 小肥羊 soup base from Shanghai, Lina actually brought the soup base back heard that it's quite Expensive. I still can't believe Lina pay $200 for her luggage, cause she brought alot of stuff back. hahaha. But she says it's worth afterall. (:

Still on the process of preparing, i can't help much, cause i could not communicate with them. Yes, i was still on the pledge of silent. I have pledge for 24hrs, imagine you attend a 'reunion dinner' and you are not are not talking during the event so weird right? And so rude. But i have no choice, i have to be the voice for the voiceless. I make an promise and it's my promise i think i'm the one learning alot thru this pledge.


My mum called, my company called, my friend called but i just rejected them again and again, just because i can't pick up the phone call like you guys do. I'm still on the pledge of silent.

Even my GF called from Japan, i still need my friend Amu to tell her i'm on pledge of silence and i can't talk to her. Was i so bad? or i did the right thing because i've pledge my silence i can't because of no one is seeing so i talked? I think i made alot of sacrifice for this pledge.

This is the shanghai soup base Lina brought back, i don quite like the smell though, but overall was nice (: hahaha

Look at everyone they were smiling and smiling. (:

Give her 10 stars ppl, she serve us alot more than herself and thengliang too actually. hahahaha
after the dinner we went to the conference room to look at our photos and videos that Eliza had actually took, she's the real PAPARRAZZI. hahahaha


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